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Nuovo cinema Paradiso (Giuseppe Tornatore - 1988) (29/08/2007) I loved this the first time I saw it two years ago. I saw it again last night and found it a little over-sentimental. Still undeniably good, and it had me smiling at the sense of joy in the film, and the love - albeit of a rather sticky kind - with which the inhabitants of the Sicillian village are portrayed. But was it my imagination, or was that syrupy theme tune played over some of the dialogue? I hate that. There was a superb British TV drama serial called Brideshead Revisited, which suffered from the same background music shmultz disease. Again, Brideshead Revisited is still well worth watching; in fact it is essential viewing. It is available on DVD I believe.
Cinema Paradiso. Good film. But I probably won't see it again for a while.